

Mantiene Puebla impulso en capacitación para el empleo: Secretaría de Trabajo

 The head of the agency stressed that facilitating the learning of trades or professional activities for the population contributes to increasing their opportunities to enter the labor market.

The Ministry of Labor gave more than 80 people from this region of the state scholarships from the Training for Employment program, for an amount greater than 270 thousand pesos.

Gabriel Biestro Medinilla, head of the agency, stated during the delivery, held at the Municipal Palace of Tehuacán, that the labor policy of support for job seekers for training and entrepreneurship will continue.

He explained that thanks to the coordinated work between the state government, the municipalities and the private initiative, Puebla exceeded the national goal of job recovery since of the 8,000 projected at the end of this 2022, more than 16,000 formal jobs were rescued.

He said that facilitating the learning of trades or specific professional activities for the population contributes, along with the job market, to increasing their opportunities to enter the labor market.

At the event, the agency awarded scholarships for 3,400 pesos to 30 beneficiaries from Tehuacán, 29 from Juan N. Méndez, and 23 from Altepexi, who were trained in making ecological artisan bags, embroidery, and agroecological pest management.

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